Water & waste water technologies
Modern water and waste water management is an essential contribution to the sustainable use of the resource water, the preservation of its quality and the protection and sustainability of the environment.
All things are from water and all things are resolved into water.
Thales of Miletus
Our services include:
▷ Consulting & engineering for anaerobic sludge treatment
▷ Implementation of co-digestion on existing facilities
▷ biological consulting on WWTP digesters
▷ Technologies to Reduce WWTP sludge
▷ Conversion of WWTP sludge to fertilizer
▷ ZetaOptimizer
The appropriate and economic treatment and utilization of waster water treatment plant sludge is the essential challenge for the modern waste water treatment.
Agrinz Technologies provides cutting edge technologies to process, transform and utilize waste water treatment sludge.
Agrinz Technologies supports in these areas:
▷ design and engineering of WWTP plants
▷ upgrading of existing facilities
▷ implementation of anaerobic sludge treatment
▷ optimization of operation and efficiency
▷ reduction of contamination of return flow from dewatering
▷ ZetaOptimizer
The proper waste water disposal and operation of waste water treatment plants is a main responsibility of public institutions and businesses. The cost effective and sustainable management of waste water requires established know how and many years of experience.
Our company provides the know how and the necessary experience to municipalities, sewage associations and industries for a variety of waste water management solutions.
Agrinz Technologies supports its customers at every stage of their projects:
▷ | Feasibility Studies |
▷ | Concepts and basic engineering |
▷ | Approval projects |
▷ | Detailed engineering |
▷ | Tendering |
▷ | Construction supervision |
▷ | Coordination of construction sites |
▷ | Subsidy applications |
▷ | Commissioning |
▷ | Operation |
Agrinz Technologies supports its customers at every stage of their projects:
▷ drinking water supply
▷ sewage systems / pumping stations
▷ Inspection of water & waste water systems
▷ evaluation of contamination of industrial waste water
The proper routing of municipal and industrial waste water is a main responsibility of public institutions and businesses. The cost effective and sustainable management of waste water requires established know how and many years of experience.
Our company provides the know how and the necessary experience to municipalities, sewage associations and industries for a variety of waste water management solutions.
With help of the engineering and supervision of the company Agrinz many hundred kilometers of drinking water supply systems and sewage system have been built over the years.
Agrinz Technologies supports its customers at every stage of their projects:
▷ | Feasibility Studies |
▷ | Concepts and basic engineering |
▷ | Approval projects |
▷ | Detailed engineering |
▷ | Tendering |
▷ | Construction supervision |
▷ | Coordination of construction sites |
▷ | Subsidy applications |
▷ | Commissioning |
▷ | Operation |
Advantages of the ZetaOptimizer:
▷ higher DM-content
▷ reduction of WWTP sludge
▷ reduction of polymer consumption by up to -30%
▷ better run-off water quality
▷ reduced load from run-off water
The dewatering of waste water sludge affects the operation of the waste water treatment plant in multiple ways. The remaining contamination of the clarified liquids is an additional load for the WWT plant to handle. The separation efficiency of the dewatering units has great influence on the economics of the WWT plant. The reduction of use of polymers, reduction of created WWTP sludge at increased purity of the clarified liquid are the main goals of the operation of the system ZetaOptimizer.
The ZetaOptimizer was developed to increase the efficiency of the mechanical WWTP sludge dewatering by centrifuges or press separators.
How efficient the dewatering of waste water treatment sludge works depends greatly on the electrical surface charge of the suspended particles. The negatively charged colloidal particles repell each other and this repulsive force is called Zeta potential. This inhibits the formation of macroflocs which are required to settle out these particles.
Through the high voltage system of the ZetaOptimizer the zeta potential of colloidal particles is destroyed.
The ZetaOptimizer uses high voltage technology to create an electromagnetic field in reactor chamber. After the sludge passed the reactor chamber the repelling force of the zeta potential is highly reduced and the sludge can be much more effectively dewatered.
The result is a higher dry matter content in the dewatered sludge and thereby reduced sludge volume by up to 15%.
With the ZetaOptimizer the required use of polymer can be reduced by up to 30% with stable dry matter contents in the sludge.
The purity of the clarified liquid (which is usually sent back to the aeration tanks) is increased and contains less COD, less phosphorus and less nitrogen which reduces the load that need to be handled in the aeration tanks.
The energy consumption of the ZetaOptimizer is very low. The 20 Wh of energy consumption equal the consumption of one energy-saving light bulb.
The plant designs include customized technologies for the utilization of primary and secondary sludge and cofermentation for:
▷ Pumping stations
▷ Static and mechanical sludge thickening
▷ Disintegration plants
▷ Hygienization of cofermentation streams
▷ Sewage sludge digestion
▷ Biogas gas purification and utilization
▷ Separation technologies
▷ ZetaOptimizer
The anaerobic WWTP sludge stabilization not only helps to reduce the amount of sludge but also provides electrical and thermal energy for the operation of the waste water treatment plant.
The Agrinz Technologies GmbH offers turn-key solutions for the anaerobic waste water treatment. For new plants or for the modernization of old plants we offer technologies for the optimal usage of sewage sludge.